Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you will take a few moments to look at some of the activities that the Myakka Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) is doing today to honor our ancestors’ contributions to the cause of freedom and liberty.
We are not your grandmother’s DAR! We are not just teas and formal tradition. But rather we are a diverse group of women who have proven our direct relationship to a Patriot who participated in the cause of freedom during the American Revolution. In addition to our common ancestry, we are women with an unquenchable thirst for the history of our country and for preserving that history through conservation, education and patriotic programs that extend beyond our monthly meetings to active service in our community.
Patriot Marker Installed and Dedicated at Patriot Park, Venice
by the Myakka Chapter, NSDAR November 11, 2022